Ashlar-Vellum offers a two-week trial version for our CAD or 3D modeling programs. Each trial version is downloaded from our website and is identical in every way to the licensed software when the two-week trial registration code is entered by you. The software may also be run in demo mode without obtaining a trial registration code, however, saving, printing and exporting are not enabled in demo mode.
Click on the desired product name below and fill out the corresponding form. You will receive an e-mail with the download location. Immediately upon download the software will run in demo mode which will not save, print or export. Upon our review of your complete contact information, including address and telephone number, a two-week code will be issued to you which will allow the full version to run. If complete contact information is not provided, a two-day code only will be issued.
Graphite™ trial download, 2D/3D precision drafting
(US $495.00 one-year subscription)
Cobalt™ trial download, parametric 3D modeling
(US $695.00 one-year subscription)
Xenon™ trial download, associative 3D modeling
(US $495.00 one-year subscription)
Argon™ trial download, history-free 3D modeling
(US $375.00 one-year subscription)
Lithium™ demo download, 2D/3D precision drafting
(US $125.00 one-year subscription)